• Intro
  • Korea
  • Mongolia

Medical tourism in South Korea is becoming the new trend
join Renewme Skin Clinic and find out more! Increase profits by advertising
as a local branch of the Korean Renewme Skin Clinic.

ImageDescription : Four Pictures
Services range from treating conditions such as leukoplakia and psoriasis to cosmetic procedures such as fat graft, hair transplant, and facial thread lifting.
01.Doctor training
Medical training at the Korean clinic Continuous Support form Korean doctors
Korean doctors will visit regularly for medical and technology training
02.Medical consultation support
Online consulting :
Live online consulting with Korean doctors upon local doctor's request
*Regular visitations for training support

Local Patient

Local doctor

Korean doctor

Local doctors are able
to treat patients with
Korean doctors’

Korean doctors will be available
to provide treatment upon the
local patient’s request.

When local doctors update pictures of patients,
Korean doctors can provide diagnostic opinions
and guidance for treatment.

03.Management support
Patient management programs,reservation programs, treatment manual, work manual, accounting

Management support - Joint patient management programs

1) Internal reservation management program

Web based program accessible from various locations. Categorized by medical subjects and doctor’s name.

2) Happy Call Program

Customer management program based on web service

04.Advertisement, promotion support
Support in creating clinic concept, website, commercials, promotional materials etc.
05.Clinic interior design support
Renewme Skin Clinic interior for localized style
06.Medical equipment support
Renewme Skin Clinic Network makes group purchases for medical equipments